We regret to inform you that:

1. We are not a band.
2. We don't play concerts either.


But we communicate to the masses.

We create auditory experiences.

We bring your messages to life.

We transform ideas into emotions.


Sound post-production

Sound post-production for advertising

Professionals with over 15 years in audio branding research and strategy, from the creation of sound effects to the precise mixing of music and dialogue. From the creation of original music to precise sound effects, every project is a new opportunity to emotionally connect with your audience. Your advertising won't be just another ad in the ad block, we ensure a distinctive sound that reinforces your brand recall.

We don't play in stadiums, but we touch hearts.


From the perfect music to the subtlest sound effect, every note, every silence, every sound is designed to connect with your audience.

We work with sound at all times. From recording, through pre-production to full post-production, to improve the quality and impact of audiovisual content in various media, including television, radio, social networks and on-demand content.

Sound design, recording, mixing and post-production

Thecompany has proven experience in the creation of immersive sound environments capable of captivating the attention and placing the audience where it is intended, providing an experimental auditory experience that connects with people. 


Video Edition

We do audio, video, voices and a good novel vibe.


Enhance the visitor experience, create emotion in every story with professional voices so your visitors connect and can't stop listening.

At Vogency you will find the perfect voice for all types of audiovisual production.

Creative voices
Dubbing voices
Corporate voices
Online voices

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